How to Survive an EMP Attack

by | Sep 20, 2024 | Doomsday Scenarios

Tips for How to Survive an EMP Attack, EMP survival preparation

Imagine waking up to find your entire world plunged into darkness—no electricity, functioning vehicles, or communication. This is the terrifying reality of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack. It can strike without warning, and when it does, it affects more than just your gadgets.

It disrupts society as we know it. But before you start feeling helpless, the good news is that there are practical steps you can take to survive and thrive even in the wake of such a disaster.

Key Takeaways

  • Protect Electronics: Use a Faraday cage to shield critical devices.
  • Stockpile Supplies: Store six months’ worth of food and water.
  • Build a Network: Collaborate with neighbors for mutual support.

The Definition of EMP

An EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) is a sudden burst of electromagnetic energy that can disrupt or destroy electronic devices and electrical systems. Natural events like solar flares or man-made occurrences, such as nuclear explosions or specialized EMP weapons, can cause this pulse. An EMP generates intense energy waves that interfere with electronic circuits, rendering devices like phones, computers, power grids, and even vehicles inoperable. The strength and range of the EMP determine its impact, with large-scale attacks potentially affecting entire regions or countries.

10 Quick Tips on How to Survive an EMP Attack

Here are ten quick tips to help you survive an EMP attack, from protecting electronics to stockpiling food and securing backup power.

Following these practical steps, you can safeguard essential resources, defend your home, and stay connected, ensuring you’re prepared to handle the chaos of a power grid failure.

  1. Protect Electronics with a Faraday Cage: Shield vital devices like radios and solar chargers with a metal container to block the EMP.
  2. Stockpile Non-Perishable Food: Keep at least six months of canned goods, grains, and dried foods to sustain your family.
  3. Store Clean Water: Have enough water for drinking and hygiene, with methods to purify more as needed.
  4. Secure a Backup Power Source: Use hand-crank or solar-powered generators to keep essential devices running.
  5. Create a Medical Kit: Stock up on first-aid supplies, prescription medications, and over-the-counter medicines.
  6. Communicate with Radios: Battery-powered or crank radios can help you receive emergency broadcasts and stay informed.
  7. Fortify Your Home: Secure doors, windows, and entry points to protect against looters or others in survival mode.
  8. Form a Community Support Group: Rely on neighbors and friends for resource-sharing and safety.
  9. Learn Essential Survival Skills: Know how to grow food, purify water, and treat injuries without modern tools.
  10. Stay Calm and Avoid Panic: Mental preparation is critical—keeping a clear head can make all the difference in a crisis.

What is an EMP Attack?

An EMP is a burst of electromagnetic energy that can knock out electronic devices and destroy entire power grids. Unlike natural disasters, EMP attacks are silent and invisible, making them more challenging to predict.

The effects can range from localized blackouts to continent-wide power failures. These can be caused by natural solar flares or human-made nuclear explosions at high altitudes. In either case, the results are devastating.

Types of EMPs:

  • High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP): Caused by nuclear explosions in the atmosphere, covering vast areas.
  • Non-Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (NNEMP): Weapons specifically designed to deliver an EMP without the nuclear aspect, affecting smaller, localized areas.
  • Solar EMPs: Natural EMPs are generated by solar flares or geomagnetic storms, which can have effects similar to a man-made EMP.

Did You Know?

An EMP attack could even affect satellites in orbit! High-altitude nuclear detonations can create intense radiation belts that damage or destroy satellites, potentially disrupting global communications and GPS systems for months or even years.

Why Preparing for an EMP Attack Matters

You might not think an EMP attack is likely, but this assumption makes it so dangerous. When the lights go out and your devices stop working, you could be without power for weeks—or even months. Preparing now means avoiding panic later.

An EMP doesn’t just take out your phone or computer. It could stop traffic lights, medical devices, refrigeration, and emergency services. And since it doesn’t give a warning, being prepared is your best line of defense.

Protecting Your Electronics: The Faraday Cage Solution

When an EMP hits, electronics are vulnerable. Modern devices rely on sensitive circuitry that’s quickly fried by electromagnetic waves. However, some can be saved by shielding them in a Faraday cage.

What is a Faraday Cage?

A Faraday cage is any sealed metal enclosure that blocks electromagnetic fields. You can buy one, but making your own is simple and cost-effective. Think of any conductive metal container—an old ammo box or a metal trash can will work if lined with cardboard or plastic to prevent contact between the metal and your devices.

What to Store in a Faraday Cage:

  • Radios for communication
  • Flashlights and batteries
  • Solar-powered devices
  • Portable chargers and medical devices

It might sound like a lot of trouble, but these small preparations will be lifesavers when the grid goes down.

Stockpiling Essentials: Sustaining Yourself After an EMP Attack

Survival in an EMP event will not solely depend on electronics. The real challenge will be living day to day without the convenience of modern systems.

Focus on Food and Water

Store at least six months’ worth of non-perishable food and clean drinking water. Grocery stores will be raided within hours of an attack, so what you have is what you get. Focus on items that don’t spoil, like canned goods, rice, and pasta. You’ll also need a reliable way to purify water—filters, boiling methods, or purification tablets.

Medical Supplies and First Aid

Access to hospitals and pharmacies will be limited. Make sure you stockpile:

  • A well-equipped first-aid kit
  • Prescriptions that your family needs
  • Over-the-counter medicines (pain relievers, antibiotics)
  • Sanitation supplies (soap, disinfectant)

Don’t underestimate the importance of preparing for medical emergencies when professional help is unavailable for weeks.

Staying Safe in the First Days After an EMP Attack

Keep Calm and Secure Your Home

When an EMP hits, people will panic. The first 72 hours are the most critical. Many will struggle to adjust during this time, leading to widespread confusion and potential chaos. The key is to stay inside, assess your resources, and only leave if necessary.

If you live in an urban area, secure your home and avoid large crowds. People’s desperation can lead to dangerous situations.

Creating a Safe Environment for Long-Term Survival

Establishing Defenses

Basic security becomes a priority if the grid is down for an extended period. Fortify entry points like doors and windows, and consider setting up a neighborhood watch with trusted neighbors.

Building Community Support

In a world without reliable communication, you won’t be able to rely solely on yourself. Neighbors and friends will become your most important allies. Forming a small group of people willing to help each other in need will make surviving much easier. Pool skills and resources so no one has to carry the burden alone.

What You Shouldn’t Do in an EMP Attack

Avoid Panic

We get it—the prospect of an EMP attack sounds terrifying. But remember: panicking never helps. It’s one of the most dangerous things you can do. Take a breath, think things through, and rely on your preparation.

Don’t Rely on Government Assistance

In a large-scale EMP event, authorities will be stretched thin. Please don’t count on them to rescue you quickly. The best strategy is to assume you’re on your own and be prepared for it.


What happens immediately after an EMP?

All unprotected electronics will fail, and there could be widespread power outages. It’s essential to check your supplies and secure your location quickly.

Will my car still work after an EMP?

Most modern cars are vulnerable to an EMP due to the electronic systems they rely on. Older, less technologically advanced cars stand a better chance of functioning.

Can solar panels survive an EMP attack?

Solar panels could survive if shielded or disconnected at the time of the EMP. However, the inverters or control electronics attached to them may be at risk.

How long should I prepare for?

Stockpile enough supplies for at least six months. Some areas could be without power or access to essential services for far longer, depending on the extent of the damage.

What should I store in my Faraday cage?

Essential electronics like communication devices, flashlights, and solar chargers should be stored in a Faraday cage to protect them from the pulse.

How can I stay informed after an EMP?

Use battery-powered radios or crank radios to listen for emergency broadcasts. Communication will be limited, but the government might still be able to transmit messages over the airwaves.

Final Thoughts: Staying Prepared for the Unknown

Surviving an EMP attack requires more than protecting electronics—learning to adapt to a world without modern conveniences. Stockpiling food, water, and medical supplies is essential, as is finding ways to secure your home and work with your community.

Focusing on long-term survival and staying calm can make it through even the most challenging conditions.

Eye-Opening Facts About EMP Attacks

EMP attacks can be sudden and devastating. Here are ten facts that shed light on their potential impact:

  • Instant Electronics Failure: An EMP can disable unprotected electronics almost instantly, leaving devices useless in seconds.
  • Continental Disruption: High-altitude nuclear EMPs can affect entire continents, potentially knocking out power grids for months.
  • Solar Flares as Natural EMPs: Large solar storms, like the 1859 Carrington Event, can produce natural EMPs capable of widespread outages.
  • Older Vehicles Are More Resilient: Pre-1980s cars without advanced electronics are less likely to be affected by an EMP and may continue to run.
  • Satellites Are Vulnerable: High-altitude EMPs can damage or destroy satellites in orbit, disrupting GPS, communications, and other vital services.
  • Military Readiness: Many military systems are EMP-hardened, designed to resist or recover quickly from an EMP attack.
  • Impact on Modern Society: An EMP could cripple modern infrastructure, halting communication, transportation, and healthcare systems in seconds.
  • Nuclear Detonation at High Altitude: A nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere can generate an EMP that spreads over a vast area far beyond the blast zone.
  • Electric Grids Are the Prime Target: Power grids are highly vulnerable to EMPs, with the potential to cause cascading failures across entire countries.
  • EMP Weapons Are in Development: Several countries are reportedly developing non-nuclear EMP weapons, which could be used to target localized areas without the fallout of nuclear war.

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