How to Survive a Car Submersion

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Land, Air, & Sea Scenarios

Guide on How to Survive a Car Submersion in Water.

Car accidents can happen at any time, and one of the most frightening scenarios is when a car is submerged in water. Knowing how to react in such situations can differentiate between life and death.

My guide will walk you through the steps necessary to survive a car submersion in water, ensuring you are prepared for the unexpected.

Key Points

  • Stay Calm and Act Quickly: Panicking can be fatal. Focus on escaping.
  • Break a Window: If submerged, use a tool to break a window and swim out.
  • Seek Medical Attention: Always visit a doctor after the incident.

Stay Calm and Act Quickly

First and foremost, staying calm and resisting the urge to panic is essential. Panicking will deplete your energy and oxygen levels more quickly, making it harder to think clearly and take the necessary steps to escape.

Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down and focus on the task. Remember, your chances of survival increase significantly when you act quickly and decisively.

10 Quick Tips to Survive a Car Submersion in Water

  1. Stay Calm and Act Quickly: Panicking can be fatal. Focus on escaping.
  2. Assess the Situation: Determine the water depth and your car’s position.
  3. Open the Windows: If the car is afloat, open the windows immediately.
  4. Break a Window: If submerged, use a tool to break a window.
  5. Unbuckle Your Seatbelt: Free yourself before attempting to exit.
  6. Exit the Vehicle: Escape through a broken window or door.
  7. Swim to Safety: Swim towards light or bubbles.
  8. Use Floating Objects: Stay buoyant with life vests or debris.
  9. Avoid Returning Underwater: Stay afloat and call for help.

Assess the Situation

Once you have calmed yourself down, take a moment to assess the situation. Look around and try to determine the depth of the water, the position of the car, and whether any obstacles are blocking your way out.

Open the Windows or Doors

If the car is still afloat and the windows are closed, open them immediately. Most car windows can be opened even when partially submerged, allowing you to escape before the water fills the vehicle.

If the windows are stuck, try to open the doors instead. Some cars have mechanisms that allow the doors to be opened underwater, providing you with an alternative means of escape.

Break a Window

If the car is fully submerged and you cannot open the windows or doors, your best bet is to break a window to escape. You can use a window-breaking tool, such as a car emergency hammer or any hard object with a sharp edge, to shatter the glass and swim out.

Remember to aim for the corners or edges of the window, as they are the weakest points and will break more easily. Once you have broken the window, push it outwards and swim towards the surface as quickly as possible.

Did You Know?

Many modern car windows are made of laminated glass, which is much harder to break. Carrying a specialized window-breaking tool can significantly increase your chances of escaping a submerged vehicle.

Unbuckle Your Seatbelt

Before attempting to escape from the car, unbuckle your seatbelt. Trying to swim out while still buckled in can be challenging and may hinder your ability to escape safely.

To unbuckle your seatbelt, locate the release button and press it firmly to free yourself. Once you have undone your seatbelt, push it away from your body and swim towards the nearest exit.

Exit the Vehicle

After breaking a window or opening a door, exit the vehicle as quickly as possible and swim towards the surface. Avoid wasting time trying to gather belongings or personal items, as every second counts in a life-threatening situation.

Swim in the direction of any light or bubbles you see, as they indicate the way out of the water. Once you reach the surface, take a deep breath and call for help or swim to the nearest shore.

Swim to Safety

Once you have exited the vehicle, swimming to safety and avoiding going back underwater is crucial. Stay afloat by treading water or using a floating object like a life vest or debris to keep yourself buoyant.

If you are a good swimmer, try to swim towards the nearest shore or a passing boat for assistance. However, if you are not confident in your swimming abilities, stay put and call for help to avoid further danger.

Seek Medical Attention

After surviving a car submersion in water, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is vital. Even if you feel fine initially, water inhalation or other injuries may not be immediately apparent and could worsen over time.

Visit a healthcare provider or emergency room to check for any signs of water aspiration, hypothermia, or other complications resulting from the incident. Follow their instructions for treatment and recovery to ensure your well-being and overall health.


What should I do first if my car is submerged in water?

Stay calm and act quickly. Try to open the windows or doors to escape before the car fills with water.

How can I break a car window underwater?

Use a window-breaking tool, such as an emergency hammer, or any hard object with a sharp edge to break the window. Aim for the corners or edges.

Is it safe to unbuckle my seatbelt immediately?

Yes, unbuckle your seatbelt as soon as possible to free yourself and make it easier to escape.

What if I can't swim well?

Stay afloat by treading water or using floating objects. Call for help and avoid going back underwater.

Should I try to save my belongings?

No, focus on escaping the vehicle. Personal items can be replaced, but your life cannot.

Why is seeking medical attention important after escaping?

Even if you feel fine, water inhalation or other injuries may not be immediately apparent. Medical attention ensures any issues are treated promptly.

Conclusion: How to Survive a Vehicle Submerged in Water

Surviving a car submersion in water is a daunting experience, but with the proper knowledge and quick actions, you can increase your chances of escape and survival. Stay calm, act quickly, and follow the steps outlined in this guide to ensure your safety.

Remember that preparedness and presence of mind are your best allies in emergencies.

Interesting Facts About Surviving a Car Submersion in Water

Surviving a car submersion requires quick thinking and preparation. Here are essential facts to help you stay safe and increase your chances of escaping a sinking vehicle.

  • Stay Calm and Act Quickly: Panicking reduces energy and oxygen levels, making it harder to think clearly and act.
  • Car Windows: Many modern cars have laminated glass, which is harder to break. A specialized window-breaking tool is essential.
  • Escape Time: You typically have 30 seconds to two minutes to escape before the car is fully submerged.
  • Window or Door: Opening a window is easier than opening a door due to water pressure. If the car is still afloat, try windows first.
  • Seatbelt: Unbuckle your seatbelt immediately to free yourself for escape.
  • Air Pocket: If the car is submerged, look for an air pocket near the roof to take a last breath before exiting.
  • Window-Breaking Tools: Use your tool to target the corners of the window, as these are the weakest points.
  • Safety Hammer: Keep a safety hammer within reach, such as in the glove compartment or attached to the car keys.
  • Children First: Help children or passengers first by unbuckling them and guiding them out.
  • Swim Towards Light: Swim towards the direction of light or bubbles to find the way to the surface.
  • Clothing: Heavy clothing can weigh you down. Remove any unnecessary items to swim more efficiently.
  • Training: Familiarize yourself with the layout of your car, especially the window and door mechanisms.
  • Emergency Kit: Keep an emergency kit in your car, including a window-breaking tool and a seatbelt cutter.
  • Stay Visible: Once out, stay visible to rescuers by waving or using a bright object.
  • Post-Escape: Always seek medical attention after escaping, even if you feel fine, to check for hidden injuries or water inhalation.

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